Course Highlights

  • Solix CDP 3.0 - Architecture
  • Software Requirements
  • Hardware Recommendations
  • Solix CDP 3.0 Repository Architecture
  • Solix CDP 3.0 Dev Ops Process
  • Additional Software Requirements

About this Course

The Solix CDP Installation Course is designed to provide comprehensive training on the installation process of the Solix CDP, empowering participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful deployment. Throughout this course, participants will gain a deep understanding of the installation procedures, configuration options, and best practices for setting up the Solix CDP environment. From initial setup to advanced configurations, this course equips learners with the expertise needed to effectively install and configure the Solix CDP, ensuring seamless integration within organization's data infrastructure.

  • System Administrator Training
    • Solix CDP 3.0 - Architecture (including HA)
    • Software Requirements
    • Hardware Recommendations
    • OS & Disk storage allocation
    • Backup Storage
    • Sudo user for the Installation & Internet access
    • CA certificates for HTTPS (SSL) access to CDP3.0 services, Private Key & Cert files Conversion
    • Email ID for Metrics Alerts
    • CDP 3.0 App access ports
    • Software download URLs behind Proxy & Ports needed to be open
    • Linux commands needed for different environments & SELinux Configuration
    • Solix CDP 3.0 Repository Architecture
    • Solix Repository Deployment Process
    • Deploying Solix Repository Multi-Node Cluster (CN & WN)
    • Create your first Database
    • Adding new Worker Node to existing cluster
    • Enable SSL for Solix Repository & Metadata DB Nodes
    • Copy SSL files to CN, WN, and Metadata Nodes
    • Configure key & cert file in the PostgreSQL.conf file
    • Verify the Encryption
    • Solix CDP 3.0 Dev Ops Process
    • Microservices Kubernetes Deployment Architecture
    • Installation and configuration of Tools
    • Solix CDP Metadata Deployment Process
    • Executing Metadata scripts through the Docker container
    • NFS Server Installation & JDBC Drivers, SSL Configuration
    • Deploying CDP 3.0 using Rancher
    • Monitoring and Alerting
    • Install Java 11
    • Install Zookeeper
    • Install Solr
    • Enable SSL for Solr
    • Backup & Restore Solr data
    • Node_exporter for host metrics
    • Postgres_exporter for Solix Repository metrics
    • Solr exporter for Solr Server metrics
    • Prometheus for host & services metrics collection
    • Alertmanager for emailing alerts
    • Grafana for metrics dashboard
    • PgAdmin web console for Solix Repository


  • Flexible dates
  • 100% Remote
  • Approx. 32 hours to complete
  • Course content in English

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