Course Highlights

  • Overview
  • Part 1 - SAP Bulk Migration
  • Part 2 - SAP Application Retirement
  • Retention Management and Legal Hold

About this Course

The training program delves into Solix CDP's capabilities for facilitating data migration from pool tables and cluster tables within SAP applications. Participants will explore the process whereby Solix CDP initiates calls to AR Attachments RFC to handle the extraction of attachments from GOS/DMS, followed by the File Move RFC for transferring attachments to the Solix CDP server. Subsequently, Solix CDP coordinates the movement of attachments to designated storage configurations like Azure Blob Storage or S3 Bucket.

Additionally, the training sheds light on Solix CDP's ability to extract data from Source ADK files and ingest it into a target database, providing participants with a holistic understanding of data migration within the Solix CDP ecosystem. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises, participants will gain proficiency in utilizing Solix CDP to seamlessly migrate SAP application data, ensuring efficient data management and storage.

  • Overview
    • Overview of Solix Common Data Platform (CDP)
    • Overview of Solix CDP Architecture
    • Application Retirement Overview
    • SAP Application Retirement Overview, Workflow
    • Application Retirement – Best Practices
    • Role Based User Setup
    • User and User Profile setup
    • Connectivity – Structured, Unstructured and Semi-Structured
    • Defining Source and Target
    • Knowledge Base Creation
    • KB Population
    • Data Migration & Validation
  • Part 1 - SAP Bulk Migration
    • Install Solix CDP Add-on for SAP
    • Configure SAP Applications in CDP
    • SAP Bulk Migration – ADK Files (CSV files)
    • SAP Bulk Migration – Pool and cluster tables (CSV files)
    • SAP Bulk Migration – Unstructured (Attachments)
  • Part 2 - SAP Application Retirement
    • Data Access Tools Overview
    • Solr Indexing and Search
    • Using SQL Editor
    • EBR’s
    • Reports
    • Forms
  • Retention Management and Legal Hold
    • Retention Management Workflow
    • Creating Approval Policy
    • Creating Retention Policy
    • Assigning Retention Policy
    • Approving Notification & Retention policy execution
    • Retention Audit Report
    • Legal Hold Configuration
    • Applying Legal Hold
    • Legal Hold Search


  • Flexible dates
  • 100% Remote
  • Approx. 32 hours to complete
  • Course content in English

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